Friday, May 8, 2020

El Cherished Her Time in Prague

Here's our second installment of our Juniors Abroad!  El studied in Prague, Czech Republic for the semester.  She notes that while she enjoyed the several MIDD KIDS in her program, she also "had the opportunity to make the most incredible, lifelong group of friends, many of whom were from other NESCAC schools."  One of those friends was actually also a volleyball player, and although a purple cow, they became tight nonetheless!
One of the other many benefits of study abroad is typically the ability to travel and see a lot of different places while studying in your specific program.  As a side note, most Midd students report that study abroad is easier academically than Middlebury courses on campus.  Her travels included visiting Amsterdam, different cities in Switzerland and several other towns in The Czech Republic, and some of those excursions were to visit other MIDD friends studying abroad in Europe, including teammate Emma Walsh, who was studying in Copenhagen! On one excursion, they met up in Switzerland and even went skydiving together!

Although traveling was exciting and fun, El fell in love with the city of Prague and everything it offered.  She cited the experience of being able to "live in a culture that differs so greatly from home was incredibly unique and valuable."  El, as so many Midd students, feels that the study abroad experience was integral to her college experience, and although her time abroad was cut short by the Covid-19 pandemic, she was extremely grateful for the opportunity!

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