Monday, September 2, 2024

Pre-Season Activities


Pre-Season starts with moving in and a Team/Family BBQ at my house every year.  It's a great beginning to our season and gets the parents and new players acquainted with each other and the team family atmosphere.  It's always nice when the weather cooperates, and this year was great.  The team just barely fits in our dining room, but I think they all got around the extended table!

The parent group is also a great one and despite the distance some of the team comes from, we had a good parent turn-out, which was really nice.  Here's a picture of the parent group also.  The gorgeous flowers were a very sweet gift to start the season, and I even took the smaller bouquet to my office to liven it up for pre season!

Also during pre-season, we did line dancing with the women's soccer team and the field hockey team--SO FUN!!  Due to acclimatization, we ease into practice and don't have double sessions until almost 5 or more days in, but they get to spend time arranging their rooms, hanging out and getting to know the new people, while also doing some team trainings together.

Additionally, during our pre-season we have the extra time to go and help out at the local high school with their volleyball team.  MUHS is now in their second full season as a varsity team, and we have a really nice relationship with them, so it's something that both teams really enjoy!!  It's great to be back and getting started together!!  

We also got to attend a home game that saw them win in a 5-set thriller!  LET'S GO MIDD/MUHS!!!

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