Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Season Filled with Many Awards

 Our 2021 season concluded with many individuals earning some really impressive awards.  Now, we always like to recognize the Team effort whenever someone on that team is awarded an individual honor because we know they're enter-twined, but these individuals are very deserving of these nice awards.  We want to recognize them, while also saying we know among ourselves that "It's ALL about the TEAM!"


This year, we had two people who won MAJOR recognition:  Maggie Wise getting tabbed as an All-American for the FIRST time in MCVB history!  And, Gabbie O'Toole became the 4th overall player to be named NESCAC Rookie of the Year in MCVB history!  Here are the rest of the NESCAC Awards:

First Team All-NESCAC--Maggie Wise

2nd Team All-NESCAC--Corley Doyle, Gabbie O'Toole, and Kelly Ferrero.

And, there’s a very special NESCAC award where one member of each NESCAC team is honored on the NESCAC ALL-Sportsmanship Team, and our team selected Ali Wheeler!!

Next, we had other National AVCA Awards, in addition to Maggie's record setting All-American honor!  Both Corley Doyle and Gabbie O'Toole were Honorable Mention All-Americans, joining a small handful of previous Panthers with this special honor.

We also had some All-Region Honors, also through the AVCA, but broken down into our specific Region.  Not only was Gabbie the NESCAC Rookie of the Year, but she was also tabbed the Freshman of the Year for Region I (out of 10 regions across the country), and that's the first time in MCVB History that that's happened also.  Here's a run-down of the All-Region Awards for Region I:

Freshman of the Year--Gabbie O'Toole

All-Region--Maggie Wise and Corley Doyle

All-Region Honorable Mention--Kelly Ferrero

Coach of the Year--Sarah Raunecker

Now, for Coach of the Year honors, it's definitely all about the success of the team, as it should be, so it's always nice to be recognized for the efforts of the Team. 

The NEWVA awards are very similar, but are chosen among ALL teams in New England, whereas the Region I awards split New England into at least two different regions.  Those awards are as follows:

NEWVA All Region 1st Team, & Senior Classic—Maggie Wise

NEWVA All Region 2nd Team, & Senior Classic—Corley Doyle

NEWVA All Region 3rd Team, & All-Rookie Team--Gabbie O'Toole

NEWVA Senior Classic—Jane Nelson

I'm so proud of the entire team for coming together this year and having the season we did, especially coming off of the non-season last year during the height of Covid-19.  We had some re-entry pains this year, I think, but overall, we came together as a team behind some great leadership by the senior class and pulled together to have a fabulous season.  It's great to be back in the gym and together as a team and we all hope that the winter sports teams are fortunate enough to get that same opportunity to be together and play, compete and bond.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

NCAA's a Fun and Successful End to our Season

What a whirlwind of an end to our season.  From the devastating loss and abrupt "end" to an otherwise extremely successful season to new life and a "new season" heading into the NCAA's!  We were in the last regional to come up on the selection show, but there we were--headed to NYC to Steven's Institute to play the host school.  We were the 6th seed and they were the 3rd seed, and #2 Trinity of TX was also in our pod along with NYU who was then #10 in the country.

The NCAA's is a really fun experience and I couldn't have been happier (unless we'd also won NESCAC's) for the team, and especially for our seniors to get this opportunity.  We played the 8pm game on Friday night, and the home team had a big crowd, which made for an exciting atmosphere.   

We blocked as well against Stevens as we had all year, out-blocking them 13-7!  It was a very competitive match overall, but our blocking was the stat that stood out as the biggest factor, which was really great.  We'd been working on our movement to the pins to get a good double block up for the last couple of weeks, and I think it really paid off.  We hit a .262 compared to their .148 which goes along with our blocking success.  Other than that, they actually had more aces than we did, and we only had two more kills and two more digs than they did, so it was really a very even match overall.  Other than the first set that we led from start to finish, each of the next three sets had multiple lead changes and tied scores!

Stevens Highlight Video at NCAA's

Now, we were to face a Trinty of TX team that has been a power team in Division III for years, but whom Tufts had actually beaten earlier in the season, so we were excited to get the chance to face off against them.  First, however, we were rewarded with some extra time in the city so the next day we walked around Hoboken and took in some sights and enjoyed some nice weather out and about stretching our legs during the day to prep for the late afternoon match on Saturday.

Trinity of TX Highlight Video

There were some issues with the roof leaking during the Clarkson vs NYU match before ours, which caused a delay, but we had already planned to spend the night in order to hold the rooms in case we won, so having the match pushed back a bit didn't really bother us too badly.  

We hung tough, but Trinity was a very good team with many weapons and lot of good hitters.  We contained one of the OH's very well, and we had an advantage in the middle and we used that well, but we were out of system a bit more than we'd have liked and couldn't take more advantage of our middle offense because of that.  In all, they were just a very solid and balanced team that was a very good challenge for us. Although we would have loved to have taken a game, all three sets were very competitive and we felt that we played hard, worked together, and gave it our all, which is all you can ask.

Now, our bus situation was a bit of an "experience" as well, right from the beginning when he was waiting for us at Old Chapel instead of the Athletic Complex.  We didn't have the breakdown issues from the NESCAC weekend, but we did have an interesting trip.  Our driver was very competent driver and navigated our big bus through the city very well, but it REEKED of smoke when we first got on, which was a bummer.  Thankfully, Emma had some air freshener that she repeatedly sprayed the bus with.  We had a little trouble communicating, but we eventually got that pretty much worked out.  Then, our driver got us stuck in a small turn-around on Steven's campus the first night looking for the gym so we could practice...fortunately the cop that was right there knew why we were there and instructed us to get off the bus and walk the short distance to the gym so we'd make our practice time while he sorted out our driver and the predicament the bus was in!  (Sorry I didn't get a picture of that, but it was a tight circle turnaround with a lovely flower planting in the middle and a building overhang that our bus was wedged between, and I hope both of those things managed to end up as nice as they started after our bus got maneuvered out of there?!

All in all, it was a much more "fitting" end to our season from our perspective.  That obviously doesn't always happen, but I was thrilled that this team was able to get this experience, especially after having such a wonderful season.  Sometimes things just have a way of working out, and this time, they certainly did in my view.

Monday, November 29, 2021

NESCAC's a Disapointment, but NCAA's a BONUS

 We ended up leaving for Maine (Bowdoin was hosting the NESCAC Tournament) on Thursday night after practice so we could get part of the way over there to break up the long trip.  What a great idea, right?!  We practiced for a little over an hour, did the scout and grabbed dinner at the dining hall before boarding a bus bound for somewhere in NH.  A little past Woodstock, VT our bus pulled over and he informed us we were trailing liquid and smoke and couldn't go any further, and we'd have to wait for another driver to come switch out our bus!  So....long story short, we sit on the side of a small, windy road in central Vermont in the dark hoping no one comes along too fast and hits us while we wait (and HOPE) that there's an available bus AND another driver who can bring it to us!  Fortunately, it was RueAnn to the rescue!  She was driving Williams up the next day and was able to come bring us a new bus and once again we were on our way!

We slept in a bit the next morning and headed on up the rest of the way to Maine.  Once checked into the hotel for that night we walked around Brunswick, which is a cute town, and then headed over to Wild Oats Bakery for our pre-game meal.  What a place!  It was highly recommended and well worth it as we all enjoyed our sandwiches and even some treats from a super huge and expansive bakery of goodies.  That night we played Amherst again and started out very strong taking the first two sets and hoping for an early night of domination when....things started to unravel a bit.  

We knew Amherst was a tough team, and they had three players we needed to stop.  We were serving tough and playing well, but then their hitters started to heat up after a bit of a rough start for them.  We were close to winning in the 3rd set, but when that didn't happen, things started to fall apart a bit for us, and we lost the 4th set also.  We seemed to get a bit tentative and started serving a little more "safely" instead of aggressively, and by that time, I'm afraid we may have been a bit frazzled and ended up losing the 5th set to them 8-15.  We led in every statistical category except for Aces and Blocks, and weren't far off in those, but it just wasn't enough at the right times to get the victory, unfortunately.  [For context to new readers, we were the 5th seed last year and we upset Amherst in the quarterfinals in the 5th set by 2 points, as well as beating them earlier in the season by 2 pts in the 5th set.]  However, there's no other way to express our disappointment than:  Devastating!!  I knew we'd had a very good season, but didn't see how we could advance unless we at least won on Friday night, and might even need to win on Saturday since the NCAA had never ever taken a 4th team from the NESCAC (3 at-large teams).  We'd been ranked higher than Amherst all season and had beaten them head to head earlier in the season, which was important, but even when they lost the next day, I still didn't think we had a chance to go on...

Our Field Hockey team was playing in the NESCAC Championship at home that Sunday and several of us were there watching while we had the Volleyball Championship video on our phones seeing Bowdoin beat Wesleyan for the crown and still lamenting how our season abruptly ended so anti-climatically and sadly!!

Fortunately, our body of work during the season came to our rescue.  We had an incredible record of 20-4, with only losses to high Regionally or Nationally ranked teams (Tufts, MIT, Wesleyan, Bowdoin) and now Amherst, but the NCAA values the regular season more than Conference Tournaments apparently, so that was also in our favor!  My AD called me Monday morning before the selection show and said that he thought there might be a good chance that we could get a bid....so I had to delicately text the team to say--without trying to get their hopes up--that it might be a good idea to go ahead and get our weekly Covid tests "just in case" we ended up getting a bid to the NCAA's....and that started a stir among the team!  THEN...we got the bid and were headed to the BIG DANCE for the first time since 2016!!  NEW LIFE for our team!!

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Senior Day and Halloween Notch Final Two NESCAC Wins at Home

What a finish!  We played two tough teams to finish our the NESCAC and regular season, playing both Williams and Hamilton at home.  We swept them both to finish strong and prepare ourselves for a run at another NESCAC Championship!  

This would be our home finale so we celebrated our seniors and Jack, all of whom we will dearly miss next year. I always double check the senior's majors so we can announce it pre-game when we recognize them formally on senior night, and they caught me off guard in practice by asking me to guess at their majors....I have to say, I was either right on or very close with most, although I definitely initially was WAY off with Ali's when I mistakenly said "Econ" to which she said, "COACH!?!"  And then I corrected myself saying I KNEW she was stem, and I wasn't sure how I guessed Econ, but I incorrectly said MBB when in fact she is Neuroscience!  I correctly knew both Maggie (Econ) and Corley (Psychology), and I also knew Jane was stem, but didn't get Chemistry right (and only then found out she was actually President of the Chemistry Club on campus!).  I have to admit, I didn't know Bella was a History major at all...not sure how I missed that, but figured she was in the Humanities.  It was a good check on how well I actually know my seniors lives outside of VB, so I'll try to be a little more diligent in future at knowing just what they're studying! (I knew Jack was a double Computer Science/Japanese Studies major because we actually celebrated him last year as well!)

Now, on to the games!  We knew Williams had a couple of new players that had been having great season's so far and they had big wins against both MIT and Tufts, so we knew they would be a good challenge.  We really served tough and kept them mostly out of system all night, which definitely helped us neutralize their offense.  We held them to a hitting % of .118 to our .234 but we didn't get the Aces advantage that we had most of the season.  We kept them out of system without actually acing them, which is a testament to their receive, I think.   Maggie had another double-double with 11 kills and 12 digs, while Corley (8), and Laney (7) also led our team in Kills.  Katie came through with 2 aces and Lucy dominated the net with a match-high 5 blocks!

 Williams Highlight Video

That night at Amherst, Hamilton beat Amherst in 5 sets, so we weren't really sure what to expect with Hamilton the next day!  We knew that had played everyone TOUGH and had lost several matches in 5 sets before the win vs Amherst, so we were prepared for a battle again on Saturday afternoon.  We played really well, and dominated the match sweeping Hamilton with set scores of 15, 12, 16 to close out our regular season 20-4!!

Hamilton Highlight Video

 We were excited to finish the season with 20 wins, especially playing the kind of volleyball we'd started playing lately, and felt confident going into NESCAC's with the 4th seed and ready to challenge for a championship!

Our Monday practice we also celebrated Halloween with our annual costume practice.  It never disappoints!  :) 

I love the creativity the groups display and it's always fun to see them.  We had the Wizzard of Oz from the Juniors, and Heavy Metal band KISS from the seniors.  Since I'm now 51 and grew up in rural Indiana at a time when big hair bands were popular as well as heavy metal bands, I'm very familiar with KISS, so that was a fun choice.

The next two classes chose animated films/shows to portray, which was also very clever!  The sophomores took me a minute to guess, but having had kids that watched a lot of TV helped and the color choices of the costumes sealed the deal--at least with Lexi!!  (You'll have to take a good look at the team picture above to guess, but Lexi didn't have her HAT on, which along with the color scheme is a big clue....

The frosh class chose to be the penquins from Madagascar, which they played off very well!  Very clever and creative....have you guessed the sophomores yet....

Sophomore class = Fineas and Ferb where Lexi was "Perry the Platypus!"  (Perry was my favorite storyline on the show, personally.)

Now, it's on to prepping for NESCAC's!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Back on Track with Big Wins at NE Challenge and Plymouth State

October Break came at a good point.  We were just coming off our first three losses of the season in the past two weekends and were in the middle of mid-terms, so we all just needed a break.  We played Plymouth State on Tuesday of that break (NO classes Monday or Tuesday), so we left early so we could get out half way and stretch our legs. That stop came at the Quechee Gorge, sometimes referred to as Vermont's Little Grand Canyon.  We got out of the bus, stretched our legs, walked out to the overlook to see the gorge and then Addie led a short conversational exercise with small groups before we got back on the bus.  It was a nice break from the regular grind, and I think gave us collectively a good re-set on our mental outlook and perspective.

Then, we arrived at Plymouth State to face a 19-0 undefeated team and went on to beat them in straight sets, although fairly contested.  Corley led the team in both kills (11) and Blocks (3), while Kelly (3), Ali (2) and Gabbie (2) led the team in Aces and Britt (12) and Kelly (11) led in Digs. 

That next weekend we played in the New England Challenge, which is probably our toughest weekend of the season playing 3 of the top NEWMAC teams in MIT, Babson and Springfield.  We often fight with them for extra at-large bids to the NCAA's so it's a key weekend for us and for NESCAC usually. We opened on Friday night playing at Williams against Springfield and pretty much dominated by sweeping them with set scores of 22, 5, and 23.  The first and third sets were very competitive but we completely shut them down in every way in the 2nd set. We hit .311 for the match compared to their .126, but oddly enough other stats were not that far off, despite the one set where they only scored 5 points.  

Perhaps the most notable thing about Friday was NOT that we dominated a Regionally ranked team, but that we had a mishap with our hotel reservation and they cancelled our rooms at the last minute for not receiving our rooming list on time.  Thus, we had to make last minute accommodations and ended up at the Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort! It was only 15 minutes away, so we were lucky to have found them, but we had an...how can I spin this...an interesting night!  :)  We had 3 pods of rooms with various different bed arrangements like bunk beds, king beds and doubles and pull out couches, but we made it work and enjoyed our "resort" night!


After our team breakfast at the Country Store (which actually was great since they had bagel egg sandwiches as well as yogurt and fruit cup options in the store!), we headed back to Williams to take on both MIT and Babson, who were both NCAA teams last year.

Our first match of the day was against MIT, and although we battled them tough, we came up with the 1-3 loss.  The first three sets were very competitive as we both traded scores of 21-25 in each of those sets.  The last set MIT sort of ran away with it hitting .394 to our .029 and won 13-25.  

Here is the Video Highlights from MIT

 Against Babson later that afternoon, we rebounded and took a good Babson team to 5 sets, pulling out the victory after trading sets with them 15-13 in the 5th!  It was a great test of our resiliency as we lost the 4th set badly but came back strong to take a tight, hard fought victory in the 5th.  Corley was fighting some sort of weird illness that came on suddenly when she disappeared in the middle of one of the sets "to go throw up" so when she was due to go back in, we had to sub here out without her being there, which the refs were understanding about.  She returned, put ice on her neck and head, and ended up going back in and played fine, having 13 kills and 3 blocks.  Maggie had a big day with a match-high 20 kills vs Babson and a team high kills vs MIT with 13. Katie led the team in Aces with 3, while both Kelly and Ali had 2 as we continued our strong showing at the service line!

 Here are the Video Highlights from Babson

We felt good about the way we competed and played this weekend and we showed some grit and resiliency, especially against Babson to end the weekend.  We ended up having another Recovery Workout on Sunday and taking Monday off before facing off against our last two NESCAC teams on senior day to decide the ultimate seedings for the Conference Championships.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Tough Road Stretch

Our first setback of the season came in a thriller at Wesleyan where we lost in the 5th set to a very good Wesleyan Team.  The next day we bounced back by sweeping Conn College, who took a game from Amherst the night before.  We dominated Conn in the middle especially as our kills leaders were Maggie (12), Corley (11) and Lucy (5).  additionally, we aced them 9 times to their 3 aces where Jane, Lucy and Britt all had 2 aces each.  Conn College Video Link

At this point in the season we started to really take note of our physical state and tried to schedule some recovery workouts to help us stay healthy and fit.  Our new trainer, Hannah, led us through a pool workout followed by yoga with our resident yogi guru, Prem Prakash on Monday instead of practicing--we thank them both for keeping us healthy this season!

The following weekend, we dropped a pair of key NESCAC matches to Bowdoin and Tufts.  We lead most of the first set against Bowdoin only to see them pull away at the end and take the first set by 4 points.  We lost each set 21-25, and they were all competitive until the last set where we had to claw back to make it look respectable.  The following day we played at Tufts, who we knew would be a different and more challenging match than Bowdoin, whom we match up with very well.  Tufts runs a faster offense than anyone else in conference, and they just pose a different challenge all around, and we were motivated to rebound after our performance the night before.  We started strong and Tufts made a ton of hitting errors and we took the first set 25-20 despite the fact that we missed 6 serves in the first set alone!  They bounced back and won the next two sets, but then the 4th set was very competitive again, and we made a late surge and forced extra points, but in the end lost 24-26 in the 4th.  Although disappointing, at least we felt we played with more energy and focus than the night before, and I think we learned a lot, as you tend to do more often with losses than with wins, unfortunately!   

Bowdoin Highlight Video Link

Tufts Highlight Video Link

Thursday, October 7, 2021

New Program Record Set by Starting 14-0

We opened Conference play at home against Colby and Bates with two wins!  We actually dominated both teams allowing a maximum of 19 points in any given set in the two match sweep.  We combined tough serving along with high hitting percentages for the wins.  Against Colby, we hit .293 with 6 aces (5 all from Jane!), and against Bates the next day we hit .340 with 10 aces. Gabbie ended the weekend with almost 10 assists/set, which is fantastic!  Maggie and Corley led us offensively along with Katie and Laney.  It's so great to play at home and we continued to get big crowds in Pepin for our matches, which is such a fun atmosphere.  We have the perfect scenario, I think, since we have a strong veteran Team and everyone is desperate to watch live sports again!

The following weekend we continued our Home stretch with another Conference match against a tough Amherst team followed by Brandeis, who plays in the perennial power conference UAA.  Our Amherst match-up was a repeat of last years Quarterfinal match where we emerged victorious in the 5th set, and this match was a prefect repeat of that--including the 5th set win by 2 points!  It was a very tight, back and forth match, just like last year.  We won the 1st, 3rd, and 5th sets, and all were tightly contested.  Here's a great sniped of match point!

 Brandeis didn't pose as much of a threat as Amherst as we held them to a dismal .010 hitting % and swept them 3-0 with scores of 25-14, 25-15, 25-13.

The last week in September saw us play Skidmore away, and then we hosted Trinity on Oct. 1, and a double header of Endicott and Clarkson on Saturday the 2nd.  Against Skidmore, we continued our efficient hitting percentage hitting .324 for the match.  Our top kill leaders remained the same with Maggie (11), Corley (9), and Jane (8) leading the way again.  Gabbie continued to lead our offense and Kelly (18 digs) anchored our defense, along with Jane and Lucy (3 blocks each) and Corley (2 blocks.)

Our final weekend of our THREE week home stand saw us play Trinity on Friday night, followed by both Endicott and Clarkson on Saturday, both of whom have been NCAA teams the last couple of years.  Trinity was an up and down match with us winning easily in the 1st and 3rd sets, but struggling to pull out a 28-26 win in the 2nd set!  Neither team hit particularly well with them hitting .009 and us only hitting .173.  We did come up with twice as many blocks and more than twice as many aces, which was great.  Lucy and Gabbie both had 5 blocks and Corley had 3 while Britt led us in aces (3) with Kelly right behind with 2.

Saturday was a tough day having to play two strong teams in the same day, unlike our previous multi-match days in the opening weekend featuring teams that were not as challenging.  We lost our first set to Endicott 21-25 before dominating the rest of the match by scores of 11, 16, and 15.  They had a lot of fire power, but our defense held them to a .113 hitting % while we countered by hitting .283.  A key for us was our serving--Katie led with 5, Kelly with 3 and Britt with 2 while we tallied 12 total aces for the match!  Corley led us in kills (13) and blocks (5), while Maggie had 12K, 2B and Laney had 7K, 3B.  Gabbie had match high assists with 32 and Kelly led all players with 14 digs.

Clicke here for the Endicott Highlight VIDEO

The second match of that day saw us again lose the first set to Clarkson 24-26, and then we really had to grind out the win in the next three sets.  We could never quite pull away and they just kept tipping us to death and they were very good at it.  The stats were odd...they tallied more kills, aces, assists and digs than we did, but we out-blocked them 10-3.  They were both very good teams, so to come away from the weekend with three wins, we felt very good about that.  The wins also set a program record 14 straight wins, which is fun!

Click here for the Clarkson Highlight VIDEO

Thursday, September 16, 2021

MCVB Off To A Great Start!

We're off to a great start being undefeated through our first 6 matches, and it's sure been exciting, especially after a year without any competitions.  Our seniors are a huge reason for our early success, and they've been instrumental in leading this team through the pandemic and out the other side.  We've done a lot of work over the course of last year through the summer.  We've developed a new set of Core Values, have re-committed ourselves to working together to help each other be the best versions of ourselves, both on and off the court, have been educating ourselves through workshops and small group meetings on issues of inclusion and current events, and are also finding lots of ways to strengthen our bonds with each other.

We started our season off with a Home match win vs St. Mikes on the 2nd day of Freshman Orientation, so only the first year's were on campus.  It was a pretty quick match that saw us win in straight sets, and we had a great crowd despite the fact that most of the campus hadn't arrived yet!  So fun!  Then we took to the road and got another four wins down at the Wheaton Invite where we played Worcester State, Farmingdale State, Rhode Island College, and the host school Wheaton.  It was a long weekend of volleyball, but rewarding as lots of people saw some court time and we got to actually compete again and travel together as a team.

We also celebrated a birthday over the course of that first weekend--Kelly turned 21!!  As a re-classified sophomore, she's now old for her class!  (Ha ha!)  My daughter goes to school at Wheaton,so I knew of a nice bakery down there that would make gluten free/vegan cupcakes, so everyone on the team could enjoy the birthday treats!  

Our last mid-week match before heading into our first Conference match was at Colby-Sawyer.  They didn't pose much of a threat as we easily defeated them in straight sets as we're still fine tuning our lineup and transitions and responsibilities etc.  It's starting to come together, and as we get into Conference play, we'll be challenged and find out just where our areas that we need to improve on really are.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Pre-Season Fun

We had an extended pre season this year thanks in part to some new health guidelines (not related to Covid.)  These new guidelines stipulate when you can start to have double sessions and when you can add strength training and even testing into practices.  Normally we start double sessions almost right away because we have so much to fit in before our first match, so being "forced" to slow down that process, but actually having the time to do it was very nice for all of us! 

It also added some extra time for some team fun!  One of the things we did was take a morning and go to the Killington Mountain Resort to do a Ropes Course.  Here are many of our pictures from that day!  The team also has gone to the gorge to swim on the super hot days a couple of times, as well as just hang out on campus and get to know each other!  We have another pretty large roster with 18 players, and after a year off when the whole team wasn't together as a group all year, and now almost having two classes of freshmen who haven't competed with us yet the extra bonding and practice time has been great.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Inside Look at MIDD During Covid

 Well, it's been a weird year to say the least, but we survived and hopefully have come out the other side of this pandemic with a renewed sense of resiliency and determination to look out for our fellow humans.  As we gear up for a more normal Fall, I hope you enjoy some short video clips of various spaces on campus that we filmed this past year.  Enjoy!!

Leadership Meeting in Spring

Downstairs in McCullough--Crossroads Cafe
Upstairs at McCullough--The Grill

"Grill" Video Explanation w/Britt

Bi-Hall with Katie

Room Tour with Lucy

Axinn Multi-Cultural Center with Lexi

Atwater Dining Hall with Lucy and Laney