There was a small panel of student athletes who all shared a "Middlebury Moment" with the group, and then we were asked to share our own "Midd Moments" at our tables. Becca was selected to sit on the panel and the MIDD Moment she shared was winning NESCAC's in 2016. She highlighted not only winning NESCAC's, but the community spirit she felt when our Field Hockey team, who was also at Tufts competing in their championship all streamed into the gym after their game and gathered in the gym to watch and cheer at the end of our come-back match!
They had an open bar, and since everyone but Chellsa is of age, we were able to share a glass of wine together, which was also nice. The food was good, and it was great for me personally to connect with an old friend from college who is currently serving on the Board of Trustees, in addition to meeting some other board members and getting to know each other a little. It's always fun to spend time with team members in other settings, so this was a great opportunity for that as well! The Board has been meeting with various focus groups around campus and this was an opportunity for many of the board members to have a much closer look into what role athletics has played in these student's experience.
By the time I'm posting this, J-term has ended and second semester just started. Isabel is already in Prague, and our seniors enter their final semester of undergraduate! Over Break we also got a beautiful new foot of snow!!
Happy February from MCVB!!