Sarah organized the tournament and reviewed the rules with everyone before the start: no tipping in front of the attack line, men hit from back row only, but can block, only one MCVB present or former on each team, and I think that's most of the rules. Any team members who weren't playing that round were reffing and helping keep score. The mic got passed around to help commentate or direct teams to the proper court, and Rose and Gabi were excellent commentators, so they are featured here enjoying the mic!
Emily and her team talk strategy before their game...
Becca and team pose after winning their first game...
Chellsa's team poses for a picture while waiting for their 4th to arrive...
Isabel and her team talk strategy, but then pose after losing their first game thinking that maybe coming in second would still be good?!
Alice poses with her team to the left, and is shown below playing Beth's team of tracksters: jumpers, I believe? As you can see, one of her teammates is getting up--he took off behind the attack line to hit...
Finally, we have Team Pink Panther, which may have been the only team NOT to feature an MCVB team member? We welcome them to the tournament and they definitely win the best team spirit award with the pink theme for all teammates, and hope to see them out here again next time, too!
Thank you to everyone who came out to support the tournament, and we may even run one this Spring so some of the winter sport athletes can join in the fun?! Stay tuned for that...
Happy last week of J-term!!