Amy Lowell ('01) was out west this past summer for her brothers wedding and had a reunion of sorts with a fellow teammate Anne McDonough ('99), who is friends with the bride. After spending the summer under the Western sun, Amy decided she liked it enough to make the move! She up and moved to Boulder, CO and is getting settled out West after living in New England her whole life! She's excited about the change, and is settling into a new job in occupational therapy and is loving all the fun outdoor activities her new environment has to offer. Before she left the East, however, she got to visit with her old pal, Leslie Edwards ('01) in Manhattan. She reports that Les is doing great and is happily married and enjoying life there. Once in CO, Amy hopes to catch up with Dawn Trowbridge Marsh ('00) who lives in nearby Fort Collins and works in a bank and enjoys spending time with her two kids, Tanner and Cadence. I'm actually hoping to catch up with Dawn when I go recruiting in the Denver area for the CO Crossroads tournament.
Blair Sly ('01) is still in California running his own business and coaching volleyball on the side. He's now coaching only the boys varsity at The College Prep School in Oakland, after a few years coaching both boys and girls. His varsity team has won League 3 or 4 years in a row now, which is a testament to his coaching abilities as he took over a young program. He said this about coaching his team: "It's so fun to show up at tournaments with [our] dorky name ("The College Prep School") and take out huge public schools." He said he hasn't kept in touch all that well with many alums, but did say that he was sad to have missed old pal Leslie Edwards' wedding. His girlfriend may bring him East, and if so, we hope we get to see him again one of these days.
Katie Kenney Enslin ('03) had a lot of news in her Holiday card. She's happy living in MN with native hubby, and dog Cash. However, the family will soon grow as baby Enslin is due in May! She keeps in close touch with pal Evan Kanaly Herberts ('03), who had a new baby this past Fall. Congrats to both of you with your expanding families! Katie was in her first triathlon this summer too, so a lot going on for "Kato," as my young daughter used to call Katie! Since living in MN, Katie has been known to fish for Bass, make Sauerkraut, and other "Midwestern" pasttimes. It warms my heart to think of her making her life in the good ole' Midwest, although we miss seeing her out here. We did, however, get to see her parents this Fall. They were our loyal fans from the past! It was great to see them at (I think) all three of our NESCAC Tournament matches! At least the semi-finals and finals. Thank you so much, Kenney's!! We love the support! :)
Luz Brito Pena ('04) had a little baby boy last summer and they made a trip to VT to visit and to show her husband around Midd! Little Kevin is adorable, and they're all doing great. Luz is teaching at her HS Alma mater and enjoys the challenges of working with HS age students.
Danielle Boniello Gannett('04) has a new job that could be her dream job working in marketing for a Hotel & Resort company.
She doesn't have to commute into the city anymore, which is great for her! She's still working toward a business degree in her "spare time," so she's keeping herself very busy. Danielle keeps tabs on us through her mother-in-law, whose daughter is playing volleyball, so she's up on who's doing what in Northeast Volleyball.
Lindsay Patterson ('08.5) is living in San Fransisco with Reisa Bloch (09.5). Reisa is working for the Gap still--yes, the job she got when she missed our final NESCAC game a couple years ago (reinforcement of a wise decision!) Lindsay is taking classes in preparation for PT school, and will apply next Fall. She's loving life in San Fran, but she enjoyed visiting Lexie Fisher ('08) in NYC not long ago. She said it was great to visit friends, and catch up with their lives, but after she returned she commented that she was "reminded that I love NYC, but I could never live there."
Sister Lacee Patterson Phillips(06.5) also lives in San Fran now with new hubby and Cooper (the dog), and is teaching 5th grade at a KIPP school. She's involved with Starlings Volleyball Club, which helps provide opportunities for girls to get involved with volleyball regardless of thier socioeconomic background, which is fantastic. Lacee commented that she and fellow alums in San Fran Georgia Jolink ('06), and Jamie Wong ('06) were anxiously following our progress through the season last year. Along with raising a puppy, Lacee is also "hooked" on doing triathlons, which is actually no surprise to any of us that know Lacee--good for you, Lacee, and enjoy those excruciating training workouts! :)
Mallory White ('10) moved back to CO after graduation and is working for the El Pomar Foundation in Colorado Springs. She's enjoying being back in CO, but keeps tabs on her pals still here in MIDD and was very excited about our season. She was recently back on campus for Whit's Feb Graduation, as was Natalie DuPre ('10), who's currently working in Boston.
Molly Elmer-Dewitt ('10) had a lot to report on her life in Chicago. She's living with sister Kitty in a "lovely apartment in [a] Ukrainian village." She's interning in the prevention department of a non-profit before heading into Med School. To help pay the rent, she's also a waitress at a "snazzy new sushi restaurant." Of course, Molly had great stories to share about her current experiences in the prevention department, and for anyone that read her blog while she was in Africa, you know she's got a gift there! Molly is still running (of course), and trained this Fall for a marathon. I'm not sure I heard from her afterwards?! I do believe that Molly still holds the VB team record for the preseason mile?....
OK, thanks to all of you for the updates, and please keep us posted!! Enjoy!